P-05-707 Teachers' Training Must Include Statutory Training in Autism


This petition was submitted by Tim Thomas, having collected 313 signatures.

Text of the Petition

We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to ensure that teachers' training must include statutory training in Autism. 

 One of the major concerns for people caring for people with Autism is the lack of understanding from teachers and others working in the education profession. While teaching in Wales is of high quality, improvements could be made in raising awareness of Autism, especially given how common it has become in society.

It is proposed, as part of the English Teacher's training review, Special Education Needs, including Autism will be a key part of teachers' training in England.

The review of the Initial Teacher Education in Wales must ensure that teachers get specific and statutory training in supporting people with Autism within the school environment.

Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Bridgend

·         South Wales West